Differences in text understanding, inhibitory control and working memory of university students and graduates of the Psychology Career in Argentina
Neuropsychology, Inhibitory control, Reading comprehension, Psychology, Statistic analysisAbstract
This research study aims to identify whether or not there are changes in working memory, inhibitory control and text comprehension in a sample of Argentine university students. All national and international regula tions and prescriptions in bioethics were followed for the execution of this study. The data analysis took place using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences, so that the most rigorous analysis of the data and the most precise quantification of the information were made, allowing to obtain significant differences between each of the variables analyzed. It is necessary to apply more research of this type in all Latin American university contexts, since this practice will allow universities to have a clear correlation between basic neuropsychological principles and reading skills in their students.of responses in these patients, a process composed in turn by three threads necessary for success in this task.
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