Childhood ADHD Through the Attentional Model of Posner and Petersen
Atiention, ADHD, . Executive Control, Models, CognitionAbstract
Different atientional models have developed evaluative paradigms of patients, through solid and well-founded theoretical bases, in order to explain the alterations presented in them. According to what is described in the Posner and Petersen model, there are three specific neural networks that interact with each other and
that fulfill different functions within the cognitive process so that atiention finally occurs: alertness, orientation and executive control. The correct interaction and functioning between these three networks is fundamental for the proper atientional process and it has been proposed that an imbalance in any of these networks leads to the appearance of a wide variety of symptoms, which have aroused the interest of researchers, adding new understandings where they have been able to evaluate according to different tasks and paradigms. Until now, it has been documented that patients with ADHD may mainly present alterations in executive control. However, recent empirical evidence also suggests that the alert network could play an important role in the development of the symptoms of this disorder. In a narrative review published in 2020,
the new evidence available for two theoretical models of the etiology of ADHD was evaluated in light of the atientional network model of Posner and Petersen. These two models were the inhibition and the cognitive-energetic. The first model proposes that there is poor response inhibition in these patients, a process
made up of three threads necessary for success in this task.
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