Evaluation of The Pedigree of Embryos Implanted In Embryo Transfer Programs.


  • Ana Cristina Herrera Ríos
  • Nancy Rodríguez Colorado
  • Daniel Antonio Hernández Villamizar




Consanguinity, Artificial insemination, Progeny


Genealogy studies are born out of an interest in clarifying the dilemma “where we come from and where we are going.” In this situation, the records of sire, dam and grandparents (paternal and maternal) are consolidated, thus initiating a genealogical tree. The lack of consolidation of the genealogical registry in the production systems becomes an impediment for the pedigree analysis and the performance of genetic evaluations. The objective this work is to evaluate the genealogy of the animals involved in the matings for the generation of implanted embryos, using the embryo transfer technique in the GESTAR
project. The database had 741 animal records and a depth of 5 generations. Softwares, Pedigree Viewer version 6.5 and CFC: Tool For Monitoring Genetic Diversity version 1.0 were used to perform genealogical analysis, renumber the records of the
individuals and evaluate the depth of the pedigree. Results and conclusions: Of the 741 records of animals that comprise 5 generations, 551progeny were identified, 181 father’s records and 282 records of mothers classified in 184 founding individuals
and 557 non-founders, only 6 individuals with father identification and 551 with father and known mother, 74 groups of complete siblings with an average size per family of 3.72 animals, a maximum of 20 and a minimum of 2 and finally 42 of them were
identified as consanguineous. The evaluated genealogy presents a high connectivity between individuals and has adequate depth to be used in genetic improvement or embryo transfer programs, thus increasing the reliability of breeding values and other parameters of interest.


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How to Cite

Herrera Ríos, A. C., Rodríguez Colorado, N., & Hernández Villamizar, D. A. (2022). Evaluation of The Pedigree of Embryos Implanted In Embryo Transfer Programs. Revista Innovación Digital Y Desarrollo Sostenible - IDS, 3(1), 17 - 22. https://doi.org/10.47185/27113760.v3n1.81



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