Assessment of the Potential of Eleocharis elegans Using Constructed Wetlands in the Phytoremediation of Colored Wastewater from the Flower Agroindustry


  • Carlos Augusto Benjumea Hoyos Grupo de Investigación Limnología y Recursos Hídricos, Facultad Ingeniería, Universidad Católica de Oriente
  • Marlon Yesid Carmona Loaiza Grupo de Investigación Limnología y Recursos Hídricos, Facultad Ingeniería, Universidad Católica de Oriente
  • José Miguel Rojas Grupo de Investigación Estudios Florísticos, Universidad Católica de Oriente



Contamination, Colored wastewater, Floriculture, Phytoremediation, Water treatment, constructed wetlands


Pollution, the result of population growth and human activities, affects health and the environment. In eastern Antioquia, the boom of the flower industry generates colored wastewater, which could be treated by phytoremediation with artificial wetlands, offering an effective and sustainable alternative to address the problem of water pollution; therefore, this study aimed to determine the phytoremediation potential of Eleocharis elegans in the treatment of colored wastewater derived from the dyeing of flowers for export. This research was carried out on the campus of the Universidad Católica de Oriente, in Rionegro, Ant. (Colombia), where subsurface flow artificial wetlands were installed, each measuring 26cm*30cm*28cm, with a recirculation system, 1-2 cm gravel and soil as a substrate for the plants. Two different methods were tested in the investigation that contemplated the absorbance and COC variables to determine the degree of contamination, and some other response variables such as pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, conductivity, TDS and REDOX. It was possible to achieve a removal of about 50% in COC and color, although the results were lower than in other studies, possibly due to the negative effect on the plants by the different pollutant compounds, as evidenced by the growth and number of axes.


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Author Biography

Carlos Augusto Benjumea Hoyos, Grupo de Investigación Limnología y Recursos Hídricos, Facultad Ingeniería, Universidad Católica de Oriente

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How to Cite

Benjumea Hoyos, C. A., Carmona Loaiza, M. Y. ., & Rojas, J. M. (2024). Assessment of the Potential of Eleocharis elegans Using Constructed Wetlands in the Phytoremediation of Colored Wastewater from the Flower Agroindustry. Revista Innovación Digital Y Desarrollo Sostenible - IDS, 5(1), 66 - 80.



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