A prototype for teaching the identification and writing of Arabic numbers for children


  • Julio Cesar Martínez Zarate Institucion Universitaria Digital de Antioquia, Facultad de ingenierías




Computer vision, Augmented reality, Mathematic teaching, Human-Computer Interaction


There are various mathematics teaching systems for children, particularly focused on writing and recognizing numbers. This article proposes the construction of a low-cost prototype called IUDigital Kids, which uses conventional webcams and requires "zero" configurations. This prototype is designed for the playful and gamified teaching of identifying and writing the numbers from zero (0) to nine (9). Initially, research is conducted on the products available in the market and existing projects with similar objectives. Different teaching techniques for writing numbers and letters aimed at preschool children are also reviewed. Subsequently, the libraries and technologies necessary for the construction of the prototype are investigated. A user-friendly graphical interface is designed for children to interact with the system and feel motivated to use it. Finally, usage experiments with children are conducted with the prototype.


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How to Cite

Martínez Zarate, J. C. (2025). A prototype for teaching the identification and writing of Arabic numbers for children. Revista Innovación Digital Y Desarrollo Sostenible - IDS, 5(2), 6 - 11. https://doi.org/10.47185/27113760.v5n2.150



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