Academic procrastination and time management behavior in college students: A pilot study

Pilotaje de una intervención sobre procrastinación y gestión del tiempo


  • María Luisa Avalos Latorre UNIVERSIDAD DE GUADALAJARA
  • José Carlos Ramírez Cruz Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Jesús Alonso Panduro Solórzano Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Kevin Diego Dimas Romero
  • Donovan Israel Salas Padilla Universidad de Guadalajara



academic procrastination, time management, university students


Procrastination is defined as the tendency to voluntarily postpone or delay a task, avoiding responsibilities, decisions and tasks that need to be carried out, resulting in a state of dissatisfaction or discomfort. This postponement of activities can be mitigated by having good time management, this being a process aimed at establishing and achieving targeted academic goals, considering the time available. Therefore, the objective of this research was to design and pilot a brief educational intervention on academic procrastination and time management aimed at university students. 25 first-semester medical, surgeon and midwife students participated voluntarily, 40% men and 60% women, with an average age of 19.44 years. 44% of the participants, in addition to studying, had a paid job. We used the Time Management Behavior Questionnaire and the Academic Procrastination Scale, additionally, he participated in a brief educational intervention designed for students to identify procrastination behaviors and different tools for organizing time. The results indicated that the intervention carried out had a greater effect on the students' time management than on procrastination, with those students who worked and women who showed planning and organization skills different from those of men being the beneficiaries. It is concluded that having adequate time management behaviors does not necessarily impact the reduction of procrastination since there may be intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors from the school environment involved.


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How to Cite

Avalos Latorre, M. L., Ramírez Cruz, J. C., Panduro Solórzano, J. A., Dimas Romero, K. D., & Salas Padilla, D. I. (2024). Academic procrastination and time management behavior in college students: A pilot study: Pilotaje de una intervención sobre procrastinación y gestión del tiempo. Revista Innovación Digital Y Desarrollo Sostenible - IDS, 5(1), 12 - 18.



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