Efficacy of Brief Behavioral Treatment in Chronic Insomnia: Case Report


  • Horacio Balam Álvarez-García
  • Augusto Abdiel Ramírez-Muñoz




Insomnia, Spleepiness, Sleep


Insomnia is emerging as the most prevalent sleep disorder during confinement by COVID-19, generating a decrease in the quality of life of those who suffer from it. The present study shows the clinical case of a 37-year-old man who, after modifying his sleep patterns due to work schedules, developed chronic insomnia. The problem started when the patient increased his work hours, so he began to prolong his bedtime until 2:00 am, however, work activities started at 7:00 am, resulting in sleepiness during the day. After the initial interview, Brief Behavioral Treatment for Insomnia (TCBI) was
implemented. The components were: bedtime restriction, stimulus control therapy, sleep hygiene, and progressive muscle relaxation. The duration was five weekly sessions divided into one evaluation, three intervention and one closure. The results
show an increase in subjective sleep time, sleep quality, in addition to a decrease in the frequency and severity of symptoms of insomnia and sleepiness during the day, both in the sleep diary and in the instruments. Finally, we can conclude that the
intervention was clinically effective, although improvements in the research design are suggested for future studies.


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How to Cite

Álvarez-García, H. B., & Ramírez-Muñoz, A. A. (2022). Efficacy of Brief Behavioral Treatment in Chronic Insomnia: Case Report. Revista Innovación Digital Y Desarrollo Sostenible - IDS, 3(1), 31 - 40. https://doi.org/10.47185/27113760.v3n1.83



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