Virtual learning objects: A Sentiment Analysis


  • Víctor Daniel Gil-Vera
  • Allison Ramírez Bermúdez



Education, Sentiment Analysis, Text mining, Virtual Learning Objects


Virtual learning objects (VLO) are educational tools that seek to emulate a human teacher or tutor in their pedagogical and communicative skills. Their main advantage is that they can be reused and used anywhere from a mobile device or desktop computer, they encourage self-learning and are reusable. VLO have been developed in different areas of knowledge; exact and natural sciences, biology, medicine, economics and finance, social and human sciences, among others. In the context of the pandemic generated by COVID-19, VLO have been a very useful tool in the teaching-learning process
in universities. The objective of this research was to carry out a sentiment analysis to know the perception that people have about the use of VLO. We used 7,000 comments from the social network Twitter and RStudio software to process the
information. This paper concludes that, it is positive the perception identified in most of the comments, most of them were related to positive emotions. The massive implementation of the use of VLO can contribute to transform the traditional teaching-learning model and to strengthen remote education.


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How to Cite

Gil-Vera, V. D., & Ramírez Bermúdez, A. (2022). Virtual learning objects: A Sentiment Analysis. Revista Innovación Digital Y Desarrollo Sostenible - IDS, 3(1), 7 - 15.



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