Fibromyalgia and depression. A literature review of its influence on increased pain.


  • Angie Carolina Pérez Palacio Vicerrectoría de Investigaciones, Grupo GORAS, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, Facultad de psicología, Medellín, Colombia.
  • Johan Sebastián Osorno Montoya Méndez y Newton S.A.S.
  • Sindy Yuliana Gallego-Tavera Vicerrectoría de Investigaciones, Grupo GORAS, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, Facultad de psicología, Medellín, Colombia.



Fibromyalgia, Depression, Quality of Life, Pain


Fibromyalgia is a chronic syndrome, characterized by pain acute and diffuse that causes significant deterioration in different areas of the life of the sick person. In fact, some factors physical, biological and psychological have an increasing influence during the disease, on the increase of the pain and a great impact on the quality of life. One of the psychological factors highlighted and addressed in this discussion is the depression, considering that it can mediate the onset of pain. The objective of this article is to perform a theoretical review about the relationship between fibromyalgia and depression and its incidence in increasing pain.


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How to Cite

Pérez Palacio, A. C., Osorno Montoya, J. S., & Gallego-Tavera, S. Y. (2021). Fibromyalgia and depression. A literature review of its influence on increased pain. Revista Innovación Digital Y Desarrollo Sostenible - IDS, 1(2), 123 - 132.



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