Prevalence of Assertiveness in students of Paramedicine career in the American College University Institute. Cuenca-Ecuador, 2023




Assertiveness, Effective communication, Paramedicine, Students


This article addresses research on effective communication and its relationship with assertiveness, focusing on students of the Paramedicine Technology Career of the American College University Institute. The focus of the study is pre-experimental and uses quantitative methods that allowed determining the prevalence of assertiveness in the 200 students of the study sample; the applied psychometric reagent is called the Rathus Assertiveness Test (R.A.S). Before carrying out the research, the objectives and theoretical-methodological foundations were established through the analysis of clinical, epidemiological, and statistical studies. The results presented in the study are relevant since they highlight the importance of implementing tools and techniques to improve assertiveness in future professionals, especially considering the high stress load they face in their training in the health area. These findings invite us to reflect on the need to strengthen effective communication and assertiveness to improve the performance and wellbeing of the student body, both in the personal and work spheres.


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How to Cite

Cobos Lazo, F. A., Rosales Ordóñez, . G. E., & Freire Ochoa , J. A. (2024). Prevalence of Assertiveness in students of Paramedicine career in the American College University Institute. Cuenca-Ecuador, 2023. Revista Innovación Digital Y Desarrollo Sostenible - IDS, 4(2), 49 - 56.



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