Efficacy of Functional Analytical Psychotherapy to decrease Experiential Avoidance Disorder: A pilot study


  • Erick. J Acevedo, Martínez Instituto Guerrerense de Terapia de Conducta, Guerrero, México.
  • Horacio B. Álvarez García Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de Medicina: Clínica de Trastornos del Sueño y Programa de maestría y doctorado
  • José N Rangel Villafaña 3 Centro de Integración Juvenil, Guerrero, México
  • Alejandro Herrera Garduño Universidad Hispana y Universidad Alva Edison, Facultad de Psicología, Puebla, México




Functional Analytical Psychotherapy, Contextual Therapies, Experiential avoidance disorder


Functional Analytical Psychotherapy (FAP) is a therapeutic model framed in contextual therapies. It uses the therapeutic relationship as a mechanism of change and its objective is to modify behaviors associated with the client's problems within the session. No studies have been reported on the effectiveness of FAP in the Mexican population, therefore the objective of the present study was to measure the efficacy of FAP in reducing clinical problems framed in exponential avoidance disorder. A pre-experimental study (n = 11) was carried out with pre-treatment and post-treatment measures. According to the results obtained, a statistically significant decrease in AAQ-II scores was observed, interpreting it as a decrease in experiential avoidance disorder. Under these results, the present study shows that FAP is an effective approach, however it is suggested to make designs with greater methodological rigor.


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How to Cite

Acevedo, Martínez, . E. J., Álvarez García, H. B., Rangel Villafaña, J. N., & Herrera Garduño, A. (2022). Efficacy of Functional Analytical Psychotherapy to decrease Experiential Avoidance Disorder: A pilot study. Revista Innovación Digital Y Desarrollo Sostenible - IDS, 2(2), 122 -130. https://doi.org/10.47185/27113760.v2n2.71



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